WEBVTT 1 00:00:21.310 --> 00:00:22.350 Karl Anderson, MTC: Hey! Lica. 2 00:00:22.570 --> 00:00:24.330 Elika Changizi: Hey, Carl, how are you? 3 00:00:24.570 --> 00:00:25.820 Karl Anderson, MTC: Doing well yourself. 4 00:00:26.370 --> 00:00:26.780 Elika Changizi: Good. 5 00:00:29.350 --> 00:00:30.270 Karl Anderson, MTC: And let me. Just 6 00:00:31.310 --> 00:00:33.230 Karl Anderson, MTC: it slides up 7 00:01:50.120 --> 00:01:52.470 Karl Anderson, MTC: week from Beverly. Can you see that? Okay on your end? 8 00:01:56.050 --> 00:01:56.630 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Yep. 9 00:01:57.240 --> 00:01:59.280 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright! Awesome thanks. 10 00:02:07.980 --> 00:02:09.020 Karl Anderson, MTC: Hey? Libby! 11 00:02:12.640 --> 00:02:13.404 Libby Nachman, MTC: How's it going. 12 00:02:13.930 --> 00:02:14.890 Karl Anderson, MTC: Been a while. 13 00:02:16.350 --> 00:02:25.290 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright! It's 2 o'clock for the participants that are here. We'll just give it another minute or so. To get a few more people to join before starting. 14 00:02:26.450 --> 00:02:28.260 Karl Anderson, MTC: But thanks for being on time. 15 00:02:35.940 --> 00:02:46.560 Karl Anderson, MTC: Hey, Libby, can you keep an eye on questions, whether in chat and QA. Throughout the process. Just because, as I'm sharing screen and have video up and everything, it's. 16 00:02:47.700 --> 00:02:48.400 Libby Nachman, MTC: Yep, alright. 17 00:02:48.400 --> 00:02:52.850 Karl Anderson, MTC: Little involved be keeping track of every P. Every moving part of the presentation. 18 00:02:53.570 --> 00:02:54.786 Libby Nachman, MTC: No worries. Got it. 19 00:02:55.460 --> 00:02:56.190 Karl Anderson, MTC: Thanks. 20 00:03:10.300 --> 00:03:15.990 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright. A few more people are filing in. But yeah, we'll still give it another minute or so before starting. 21 00:03:17.636 --> 00:03:18.550 Desiree Fox: Oh, yeah. 22 00:03:18.870 --> 00:03:33.829 Karl Anderson, MTC: And for those that do wanna follow along the link on the screen is a link to box with the today's presentation and supplemental material. I could put that in chat to just give me 1 s. 23 00:04:55.820 --> 00:05:03.550 Karl Anderson, MTC: It's like we only have about 8 participants other than the panelists, so I'll give it maybe 60 more seconds before starting. 24 00:05:06.040 --> 00:05:08.800 Karl Anderson, MTC: Guess everyone knows everything about the Atp now. 25 00:06:01.490 --> 00:06:06.252 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright, 204. I figured we can get started so like, I said, 26 00:06:06.810 --> 00:06:18.399 Karl Anderson, MTC: today's material. If you want to follow along for the presentation and supplemental material that I'll mention during the course of the presentation and technical assistance resources are available on the box. Link. 27 00:06:18.789 --> 00:06:28.070 Karl Anderson, MTC: It should be open to anyone with the link. So please be sure to share widely. And let me know if you can't access it. For some reason. 28 00:06:28.861 --> 00:06:51.498 Karl Anderson, MTC: Everyone's muted. Please use the QA. Feature for any questions along the way. If there is something specific that you do want to elaborate on, or ask feel free to let me know Libby or I will be able to unmute you. And that way you can ask your present question. I highly encourage questions throughout the presentation, and not just wait until the end. I 29 00:06:51.800 --> 00:07:03.659 Karl Anderson, MTC: There are plenty of resources here available for everyone to get their question answered. And if not, we can, you know, reach out to you directly. After the fact and help you along. And with whatever you have going on 30 00:07:04.586 --> 00:07:16.870 Karl Anderson, MTC: so today, it's the regional active transportation program workshop just to highlight the changes and highlights to cycle 7 in both the guidelines and the application process 31 00:07:17.351 --> 00:07:26.030 Karl Anderson, MTC: joined with me today. There are a number of Mtc. Ctc. And Caltran staff here to answer any questions that might come up 32 00:07:26.509 --> 00:07:32.800 Karl Anderson, MTC: from Mtc. I'll let's see. I'll I think, Kenny, are you everyone. 33 00:07:34.320 --> 00:07:35.499 Kenneth Kao: Yeah, I'm here. 34 00:07:35.610 --> 00:07:36.500 Kenneth Kao: Alright. I'm 35 00:07:36.650 --> 00:07:39.559 Kenneth Kao: Kenneth Cow, Assistant Director of Funding policy programs. 36 00:07:41.160 --> 00:07:42.170 Karl Anderson, MTC: And Libby. 37 00:07:43.040 --> 00:07:46.250 Libby Nachman, MTC: Hi, let me acknowledge planner and funding policy and program. 38 00:07:47.480 --> 00:07:49.769 Karl Anderson, MTC: And Ctc. Staff Beverly. 39 00:07:52.900 --> 00:07:59.039 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Everyone. I'm Beverly Newman Burkhardt and one of the program managers with the Atp at the California Transportation Commission. 40 00:08:01.540 --> 00:08:08.670 Elika Changizi: Hi, everyone. My name is Alicia Chinkies, and I'm also one of the program managers with the commissions. Active transportation program. 41 00:08:11.860 --> 00:08:14.539 Karl Anderson, MTC: And Caltran staff. I think, Desiree, you're on. 42 00:08:16.680 --> 00:08:23.940 Desiree Fox: Yes, Hi! I'm Desiree Fox. I'm atp manager at headquarters, and at Cal trans. 43 00:08:25.920 --> 00:08:27.329 Karl Anderson, MTC: And Hi, this is 44 00:08:27.440 --> 00:08:28.040 Karl Anderson, MTC: awesome. 45 00:08:28.040 --> 00:08:31.749 Xi Zhang: Hi! This is, she's on the district for Atp Coordinator. 46 00:08:33.610 --> 00:08:46.315 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright. Well, thank you, everyone. So here's an outline of today's presentation. First, we'll go over the program overview. And a very brief history of what Atp awards have looked like for the region, both in the State and the regional programs. 47 00:08:46.939 --> 00:09:00.139 Karl Anderson, MTC: Highlights to Atp cycle 7 guidelines, both at the state and the regional level quick overview of the or not quick, I guess a little bit more involved overview of the application process. Since we're shifting to a new format this year. 48 00:09:00.819 --> 00:09:20.559 Karl Anderson, MTC: An overview of the quick build pilot program. Any tips scoring and evaluation processes for this cycle. Some notes about project delivery. Consider considerations. A summary of today's presentation and then ending out with contacts and additional resources for you as you continue in your applications. 49 00:09:21.673 --> 00:09:43.206 Karl Anderson, MTC: So first and foremost, an overview and history of the program. So the active transportation program provides about 320 million dollars per year. 50. And the program is divided into 3 sub components 50. 50% of those funds are available for a statewide competitive program that is administered by Cal, trans. And Ctc. 50 00:09:43.730 --> 00:09:53.689 Karl Anderson, MTC: 40% of the overall pot of atp funds go to the top 10 large metropolitan planning organizations which Mtc. Is the Mpo. For the 9 county barrier 51 00:09:54.034 --> 00:10:12.520 Karl Anderson, MTC: and 10% of the funds go to a small and urban and rural competitive program. Unfortunately, the Bay Area and jurisdictions within the counties are now eligible to keep compete in the small urban enroll category. So we have 2 Byte at the apple in the Mpo. Regional Component and at the statewide competitive program. 52 00:10:13.318 --> 00:10:23.169 Karl Anderson, MTC: In addition to the composition of the program, Sb. One approved in 2017 provides about a hundred 1 million dollars per year. Of the 2 200 220 available statewide 53 00:10:23.330 --> 00:10:29.990 Karl Anderson, MTC: and 2 years ago the Iga legislation at the Federal level increased the funding for the Atp 54 00:10:31.621 --> 00:10:51.320 Karl Anderson, MTC: historically. This is how the Bay area has fared across the last 6 cycles of the active transportation program. In in some, there's been about half a billion dollars awarded to Bay area jurisdictions for the active transportation programs across or split across the state and regional programs. 55 00:10:51.661 --> 00:11:08.549 Karl Anderson, MTC: In the State, we received about 241 or 12% of the total funds across the last 6 cycles. And at the regional program we've been able to administer 316 million dollars in active transportation projects. One thing to know on this slide is that you know. 56 00:11:08.560 --> 00:11:22.439 Karl Anderson, MTC: it's there are areas of improvement for Bay area jurisdictions to compete at the statewide level, and we're always looking for additional opportunities to help support agencies to improve their applications at the statewide level. 57 00:11:24.064 --> 00:11:26.909 Karl Anderson, MTC: General tips for cycle 7 58 00:11:27.360 --> 00:11:34.170 Karl Anderson, MTC: usually the Ctc and Mtc. Are looking for highly effective cost-benefit projects. 59 00:11:34.643 --> 00:11:42.496 Karl Anderson, MTC: This would include projects that have any gap closures and active transportation networks significant safety improvements, and any 60 00:11:44.030 --> 00:11:51.409 Karl Anderson, MTC: in any hotspots where there are high injury occurrences for both pedestrians and cyclists. 61 00:11:51.928 --> 00:12:00.230 Karl Anderson, MTC: Usually we see that hybrid infrastructure and non infrastructure projects. Perform well in the competitive programs. 62 00:12:00.684 --> 00:12:06.630 Karl Anderson, MTC: and active transportation projects that include complete streets, elements in their designs. 63 00:12:07.267 --> 00:12:15.313 Karl Anderson, MTC: And at the statewide level for the statewide component projects that benefit a disadvantaged community or Dac 64 00:12:16.850 --> 00:12:20.380 Karl Anderson, MTC: are predominantly funded or sorry. Not all 65 00:12:20.720 --> 00:12:29.669 Karl Anderson, MTC: the projects that are selected for funding at the statewide level most often benefit a disadvantaged community or are within a disadvantaged community. 66 00:12:30.258 --> 00:12:43.889 Karl Anderson, MTC: Other projects that perform well in the actual transportation program are safe routes to school projects and projects that generally tell a great story. This would be a project with robust community engagement. And 67 00:12:44.160 --> 00:12:54.620 Karl Anderson, MTC: what we mean by robust community engagement here would be targeted engagement towards a specific population in which the project is benefiting them, and is 68 00:12:54.700 --> 00:13:02.560 Karl Anderson, MTC: a project that has come about from that engagement with those affected populations in the community. 69 00:13:03.042 --> 00:13:20.529 Karl Anderson, MTC: Projects with a very clear scope and elements that were requested by engagement with the community, whether it was a disadvantaged community or not. And projects that will significantly improve and ease the accessibility of the community to whatever resources are relevant to them. 70 00:13:21.555 --> 00:13:33.390 Karl Anderson, MTC: We also see that projects that score well do include some degree of community benefit organization or cbo or ad advocacy organization input in their application. 71 00:13:36.790 --> 00:13:53.859 Karl Anderson, MTC: Some other general tips for Atp Cycle 7 include an emphasis on disadvantaged communities like I mentioned for the statewide competitive program. So we encourage jurisdictions as they're working on their application to look at all the potential disadvantaged community criteria 72 00:13:53.890 --> 00:14:07.259 Karl Anderson, MTC: and measure or calculate what is the most severe as it correlates to the rubrics. That the State puts out to, you know. Use that metric to qualify as a dispatch community for your active transportation application. 73 00:14:08.720 --> 00:14:20.969 Karl Anderson, MTC: there are, I'll get to it another slide. But there are 2 new tools that will be considered eligible to qualify as a disadvantage community, and those are 2 new tools that stem from the justice. 40 initiative at the Federal level. 74 00:14:21.356 --> 00:14:30.829 Karl Anderson, MTC: We also encourage jurisdictions to take a look at the free and reduced launch meal programs for the rates for schools in the project area to qualify as a disadvantaged community. 75 00:14:30.970 --> 00:14:41.289 Karl Anderson, MTC: And if there are no metrics in which your pro project can qualify as a disadvantaged community. Then we also encourage jurisdictions to 76 00:14:41.685 --> 00:14:58.820 Karl Anderson, MTC: use the other category that is allowed in the statewide component and you can use Mtc's equity priority communities definition or any other primary data that you may have on hand to you know. Make your case that your mom population would qualify as a disadvantaged community 77 00:14:59.620 --> 00:15:01.930 Karl Anderson, MTC: for the application itself. 78 00:15:02.110 --> 00:15:07.610 Karl Anderson, MTC: We highly encourage jurisdictions to pursue any and all technical assistance programs that are available. 79 00:15:07.690 --> 00:15:27.279 Karl Anderson, MTC: This, this varies cycle to cycle, depending on what resources are available. Yeah. Historically, the active transportation resource center has provided a lot of best practice. resources on their website. Mtc is continuing to expand our active transportation technical assistance program. 80 00:15:27.630 --> 00:15:52.180 Karl Anderson, MTC: And actually, this new for this cycle, which I'll highlight again later. App applicants who do have final drafts. Ready to go before the actual application. Deadline you can submit your final draft to Mtc. Staff, and we will be able to provide a very quick and cursory overview and provide some degree of commentary before your application is actually due later this summer. 81 00:15:53.071 --> 00:16:04.028 Karl Anderson, MTC: We. We highly, highly highly encourage jurisdictions to read the scoring rubics for their applications. Every point counts and just just as a point 82 00:16:04.450 --> 00:16:24.679 Karl Anderson, MTC: to re, you know, to reaffirm the point I'm making here the last state in the last statewide evaluation, the lowest award project scored an 89 of one out of 100. So you really cannot afford to lose out on any points. So please do take a look at those scoring rubrics for whichever application you're pursuing. To make sure you're hitting the mark on all the questions. 83 00:16:25.348 --> 00:16:34.149 Karl Anderson, MTC: And then great applications also do include thorough backup documentation which includes photos, data maps and outreach material 84 00:16:34.584 --> 00:16:42.445 Karl Anderson, MTC: you wanna make it super easy for the evaluators that be reviewing your project to understand the need that your project, 85 00:16:43.441 --> 00:16:50.830 Karl Anderson, MTC: will fulfill. And what benefits are going to impact the community with your project. 86 00:16:51.360 --> 00:16:56.730 Karl Anderson, MTC: I'll pause here to see if there's any questions so far before getting into more details on. 87 00:16:56.810 --> 00:16:58.690 Karl Anderson, MTC: you know. Guidelines for cycle separate. 88 00:16:59.440 --> 00:17:01.790 Karl Anderson, MTC: Libby, do we have anything in the Q. And a. Or chat. 89 00:17:01.980 --> 00:17:04.829 Libby Nachman, MTC: Yeah, no questions in the QA. No questions in the chat. 90 00:17:05.349 --> 00:17:07.983 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright. Thank you. Okay, I'll carry on 91 00:17:10.339 --> 00:17:12.809 Karl Anderson, MTC: actually, before I carry on 92 00:17:12.869 --> 00:17:22.459 Karl Anderson, MTC: on when it comes to general tips or best practices for the Atp, do Cal, trans. Or Ctc. Staff have any comments that they'd like to make in that realm. 93 00:17:28.430 --> 00:17:34.939 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): I think you covered kind of the major tips that we usually give people when they're filling out the application. 94 00:17:35.671 --> 00:17:41.990 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): I think 2, that you cover, that I that we usually highlight, that are the most important, are 95 00:17:43.170 --> 00:17:49.589 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): telling a good story. Like providing that detail about your project and about your community 96 00:17:49.830 --> 00:17:56.860 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): and then trying every disadvantaged community qualifier to see which one best kind of 97 00:17:57.240 --> 00:17:59.660 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): shows the types of burdens that you're 98 00:17:59.950 --> 00:18:01.790 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): communities facing 99 00:18:02.210 --> 00:18:05.472 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Aka which one gives you the most points. 100 00:18:05.920 --> 00:18:09.500 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): yeah. So I think you covered everything that we normally cover. These are really great tips. 101 00:18:09.770 --> 00:18:12.109 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): highly recommend that people follow these. 102 00:18:12.751 --> 00:18:14.659 Karl Anderson, MTC: Great thanks. Beverly, appreciate that. 103 00:18:18.159 --> 00:18:22.630 Libby Nachman, MTC: We did get some questions in the chat. Gonna go back and answer those. 104 00:18:23.350 --> 00:18:29.000 Libby Nachman, MTC: The first question is about I think if if you could explain how the free and reduced Price lunch 105 00:18:29.020 --> 00:18:36.399 Libby Nachman, MTC: qualifier works we have a question about if your pro project is near a school and they offer free lunch program. Does that qualify as a Dac. 106 00:18:36.920 --> 00:18:46.631 Karl Anderson, MTC: Gotcha. Okay? So for that one, I am, gonna ask Beverly to help me out on this one, just because this is a statewide guideline piece, but I can, you know, take a stab at it first. 107 00:18:46.950 --> 00:19:02.973 Karl Anderson, MTC: so it's all schools in the State of California do have free and reduced lunch as a part of legis previous legislation that was passed. However, data still is collected on the proportion of students that would fall into that category. Historically. 108 00:19:03.350 --> 00:19:24.339 Karl Anderson, MTC: So if your if your school does have the free and reduced lunch program, you do have to refer to the data that is cited in the State guidelines. If you are using that metric so it has to be over a certain threshold in order to qualify as a deck and not not just if it has a free and reduced lunch program, does it qualify for that metric? 109 00:19:24.692 --> 00:19:30.319 Karl Anderson, MTC: Beverly? Is, is that the right way to characterize that? Or do you have anything to add? There. 110 00:19:30.530 --> 00:19:36.045 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Perfect. Yeah, every school is still collecting that data they have to. It's 111 00:19:36.700 --> 00:19:38.810 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): The the state program is 112 00:19:39.040 --> 00:19:44.639 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): partially funded by the federal program. So they still have to collect the data to get. 113 00:19:45.030 --> 00:19:48.920 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): The State has to collect the data to get the reimbursement from the Federal government. 114 00:19:49.388 --> 00:19:58.859 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): So yeah. Your all of the schools near you will still like, be included in that data list that's linked from the application. And that's in the guidelines. 115 00:20:00.580 --> 00:20:01.609 Karl Anderson, MTC: Thanks, Beverly. 116 00:20:02.860 --> 00:20:07.530 Libby Nachman, MTC: Next question, is there a deadline for the quick and cursory review. 117 00:20:08.044 --> 00:20:24.075 Karl Anderson, MTC: Yeah, so I'll I'll mention it now, and I'll also mention again the end of the presentation. But like I said, Mtc. Staff and our technical assistance consultant. Do have capacity to, you know. Provide a very quick review. On your final draft application before the deadline. 118 00:20:24.390 --> 00:20:43.500 Karl Anderson, MTC: We'll be doing this on a first cur. First. Come first. Serve basis and we would like to receive those applications no later than May twenty-fourth that way. It gives us about a week or 2 to provide commentary, and then you know enough time for you to incorporate that commentary before the application is due. 119 00:20:43.985 --> 00:20:50.924 Karl Anderson, MTC: So again, may 20, fourth. But that date is listed on a future slide. So you'll you'll have that in writing. 120 00:20:52.305 --> 00:20:58.520 Libby Nachman, MTC: Last question, we got a link of another set of data from Bcdc on community and social vulnerability. 121 00:20:58.867 --> 00:21:07.429 Libby Nachman, MTC: Will we consider this map. I assume you might need a chance to look at it. But if you have any thoughts on additional data, and how it might be used. 122 00:21:08.145 --> 00:21:32.040 Karl Anderson, MTC: So yeah, I haven't been able to, you know. Take a look at the map that you're referencing, just I I don't have a map. I don't have all the tools memorized in the region. But if you feel that your jurisdiction cannot qualify in any of the other disadvantaged community metrics that are listed in the State guidelines. Or you you're or you don't feel you can use the Mtc's equity priorities communities to meet that threshold. 123 00:21:32.040 --> 00:21:38.410 Karl Anderson, MTC: You can submit other primary data in the other category for your Atp application. 124 00:21:38.798 --> 00:21:46.950 Karl Anderson, MTC: There is. There is risk with that, though, because other the other data that you would be submitting. May 125 00:21:47.160 --> 00:22:01.530 Karl Anderson, MTC: or does not have the ability to be scored on severity. For across the statewide applications, so you will lose out on a few points under the severity piece of the disadvantage community question. If you use other data. 126 00:22:03.420 --> 00:22:05.379 Libby Nachman, MTC: Those are all the questions for now. 127 00:22:05.380 --> 00:22:17.920 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright thanks, Libby, and Beverly on on that one. Did I characterize that right? Is that still the case? For any jurisdiction that submits other dac criteria. That's the severity piece won't be scored. 128 00:22:19.360 --> 00:22:21.110 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Yeah. So 129 00:22:21.240 --> 00:22:36.490 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): I, you can qualify for up to one severity point and then you have to make sure you include, if you're using the other category. Make sure you include there's an attachment field to make sure you include whatever data you're using, so we can look at it. 130 00:22:36.740 --> 00:22:37.940 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): But 131 00:22:38.811 --> 00:22:43.409 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): please, please, please try the other qualifiers first, because 132 00:22:43.790 --> 00:22:46.630 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): you can get more points with the other qualifiers. 133 00:22:48.790 --> 00:22:50.030 Karl Anderson, MTC: Excellent thanks, Beverly. 134 00:22:50.630 --> 00:22:55.304 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright moving on to the atp cycle. 7 guidelines. 135 00:22:56.360 --> 00:23:17.039 Karl Anderson, MTC: Oh, whoops! Let's see, I guess. Well, this is just the format of Atp cycle 7 before the guidelines. Sorry about that. Everyone. So Atp cycle 7 will cover 4 programming years in which you can request, you know, funding for your respective phases on your project? It'll be fiscal year 2526 through fiscal year 2829. 136 00:23:17.250 --> 00:23:34.119 Karl Anderson, MTC: The other pie charts on this slide indicate the funding, the fund estimate split the composition of those funds and the the target of disadvantaged communities funding as included in atp legislation. 137 00:23:34.691 --> 00:23:57.240 Karl Anderson, MTC: So first off on the top right of this slide there will be 284 million dollars available in the State atp competitive pot, and just shy of 49 million available in Mtc's regional component the other slices of the pie chart. Go to the other 9 Mpos and the small urban enroll component competitive program 138 00:23:57.887 --> 00:24:25.660 Karl Anderson, MTC: this time around the Atp is composed of about 70% Federal funds and only 30% state funds. So your projects I mean to be consistent with atp guidelines must be federally aid eligible and if you do have a specific case or compelling reason as to why you need state only funds. Please be sure to cite that in Mtc's regional application, so we can make sure to program it accordingly. 139 00:24:26.192 --> 00:24:36.459 Karl Anderson, MTC: Beverly or Desiree, do you have any comments about? You know the funding split across the competitive programs, or any comments on about the Federal and State split of the fund estimate. 140 00:24:40.650 --> 00:24:41.697 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): No comments for me. 141 00:24:42.540 --> 00:24:43.880 Desiree Fox: None from me either. 142 00:24:44.170 --> 00:25:10.729 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright, thank you both, and carrying on so this is a snapshot of the key milestone and deadlines that you need to know, for your atp application the atp applications are due on June seventeenth, 2024. That's a Monday this year, not a Friday, and that is 55 days away. And those applications are for everything. So that's for the statewide component and for Mtc's regional component. 143 00:25:10.770 --> 00:25:13.640 Karl Anderson, MTC: including the quick build pilot program 144 00:25:14.309 --> 00:25:27.410 Karl Anderson, MTC: Mt. Or sorry Ctc. Staff anticipate staff recommendations will be released by November first of this year. And they will adopt the State atp and quick build projects. At the December Ctc meeting at the end of this year. 145 00:25:28.043 --> 00:25:50.199 Karl Anderson, MTC: Shortly after that occurs, Mtc staff will release our Atp staff recommendations for the Regional Component, and then Mtc Commission will consider adoption of those projects that are January Commission meeting and then, immediately after that, we will send our program recommendations to Ctc. Staff for their consideration and approval. By the June ctc. Meeting of 2025 146 00:25:52.123 --> 00:26:15.289 Karl Anderson, MTC: so the State wide guidelines there really weren't a lot of what I would say. Significant changes into the eligibility and the scoring criteria. But the one major change is that the state Atp is now using an online application format. So you no longer have to go through a clunky. Pdf, to submit your atp application. 147 00:26:15.330 --> 00:26:34.790 Karl Anderson, MTC: It'll be all done through submittable. And the red text here, that is a hyperlink to that application. And on that website you'll find all the resources available for you for your application project type, and any additional information you may need. 148 00:26:35.420 --> 00:26:54.699 Karl Anderson, MTC: They the Ctc did approve. Including 2 additional new Dac metrics. That are tools that came about from the justice. 40 initiative the first is the climate and economic justice screening tool, and the second is the equitable transportation community explorer tool 149 00:26:55.488 --> 00:27:09.809 Karl Anderson, MTC: the Ctc is also maintaining the project size thresholds. So if you're applying for a large project, your project total cost is be greater than 10 million dollars. Medium would be between 3.5 and 10 million 150 00:27:09.810 --> 00:27:26.279 Karl Anderson, MTC: and small would be anything under 3.5 million. The other 2 application project types. There are no changes to non infrastructure only projects and plans. But I will note if you are seeking plan funding for a plan. It has to benefit a disadvantaged community 151 00:27:26.857 --> 00:27:38.910 Karl Anderson, MTC: the State is also electing to continue the quick build pilot program. This would be the third phase of this pilot program. And up to 7 million dollars will be available for quick build projects. 152 00:27:38.940 --> 00:27:51.389 Karl Anderson, MTC: and all of those guidance all of that guideline, all of all of the guidance for quick build applications and scoring is in the appendix to the Atp Guidelines or the state atp guidelines. 153 00:27:51.500 --> 00:28:20.049 Karl Anderson, MTC: I will note for the quick build pilot program that if you are pursuing this funding you it is required that you reach out to Ctc. Staff and schedule a meeting with them to explain your project. They're doing their best to make sure that they're weeding out any sort of small projects that are masquerading as a quick build project. And they just wanna make sure that you're aware of all the application material and guideline processes before moving forward in that application. 154 00:28:21.140 --> 00:28:31.759 Karl Anderson, MTC: I I have another slide for atp statewide guidelines. Beverly and Desiree, do you want me to move forward on that? Or do you? Wanna, you know, add anything to I said, here on this slide. 155 00:28:33.170 --> 00:28:40.649 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Let me just add a few things this slide. So for the submittable stuff. 156 00:28:40.680 --> 00:28:47.219 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): So we did a webinar kind of introducing everyone to submitable a few weeks ago. 157 00:28:47.605 --> 00:28:57.799 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): And the recording is on our website. So you can go back and go through that. The the there's also a Pdf of like slides on our website that you can go back and review. 158 00:28:57.890 --> 00:29:00.250 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): And then Alicia put together. 159 00:29:00.895 --> 00:29:11.269 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): This like Faqs document from that webinar kind of outlining, like the big questions we got from that from our participants in that webinar, and like, you know how like 160 00:29:11.760 --> 00:29:18.739 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): questions about how to navigate the platform like, and with responses to all those questions, and kind of step by step, for some of like the bigger 161 00:29:18.750 --> 00:29:25.170 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): or the more common questions that we got on how to navigate, navigate the the platform so that might be helpful for people. 162 00:29:26.890 --> 00:29:34.639 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): I think that's actually all I wanted to add here. So that's just a great resource that everyone can check out as they start using submittable. 163 00:29:35.040 --> 00:29:56.330 Karl Anderson, MTC: Awesome. Thanks, Beverly, and I will note for folks that the links to everything that Beverly just cited are available to you. On the box folder where all this information is, and then it's linked in the presentation. I I know it's a lot to inundate you with so many links, but I wanted to make sure the information was accessible. No matter what. You what page you were looking at here. Desiree, did you wanna add anything. 164 00:29:56.690 --> 00:30:02.247 Desiree Fox: Yeah. I just wanted to add that for the quick build in order to get, you know the 165 00:30:04.306 --> 00:30:09.429 Desiree Fox: for folks to reach out to Ctc. By May seventeenth. 166 00:30:10.080 --> 00:30:10.610 Karl Anderson, MTC: Okay. 167 00:30:10.610 --> 00:30:11.400 Desiree Fox: Yeah. 168 00:30:11.940 --> 00:30:16.660 Karl Anderson, MTC: I'll I'll update that and add that to the presentation. Thanks. I didn't. I didn't realize that there was a deadline there. 169 00:30:17.160 --> 00:30:22.369 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Yeah, we we created a deadline because we wanted to make sure that 170 00:30:23.160 --> 00:30:26.209 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): if a project isn't a good fit for the quick builds. 171 00:30:26.260 --> 00:30:31.050 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Applicants would still have time to maybe apply for a small infrastructure instead. 172 00:30:31.200 --> 00:30:34.489 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): So we just wanted to make sure that everyone still had the opportunity. 173 00:30:34.720 --> 00:30:37.670 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Thanks Desiree, for for mentioning that. 174 00:30:39.390 --> 00:30:43.669 Karl Anderson, MTC: Thanks. Before going on. Libby, do we have any questions at QA. Or chat. 175 00:30:45.070 --> 00:30:53.600 Libby Nachman, MTC: Yeah, we have one question. If you check the box for state funding only does that in any way make you less competitive for Federal funding. 176 00:30:54.860 --> 00:31:05.110 Karl Anderson, MTC: Thanks for that. So like I said, it's an Atp program requirement that your project be eligible for Federal aid funding. So 177 00:31:05.940 --> 00:31:11.629 Karl Anderson, MTC: we, we have the expectation that your project can be delivered. If you receive Federal funds. 178 00:31:11.740 --> 00:31:31.649 Karl Anderson, MTC: If you do have a compelling case or reason, or justification as to why you need state only funds. Then you have an opportunity to include that in your application. But it will not, make you less competitive for receiving an award. Is that I hope that answers things. And then Desiree or Beverly, do you want to add anything? There. 179 00:31:35.110 --> 00:31:36.689 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Nothing for me. 180 00:31:36.690 --> 00:31:37.240 Karl Anderson, MTC: Okay. 181 00:31:39.860 --> 00:31:41.549 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright. Thanks. Libby. Anything else? 182 00:31:41.550 --> 00:31:43.710 Libby Nachman, MTC: That's all the questions for now. Alright. 183 00:31:45.790 --> 00:32:03.452 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright carrying on so the statewide guidelines these are reminders, since we, you know, covered the new stuff or maintain stuff in the last slide. There are 5 different point structures depending on the type of application that you submit, whether it's a large infrastructure, medium infrastructure, small infrastructure, non infrastructure only. 184 00:32:03.780 --> 00:32:17.670 Karl Anderson, MTC: or a plan. I will also note that if you are implementing, or if you are applying for a capital project, you can include non infrastructure elements in those applications, and so th those would stay the same. 185 00:32:18.260 --> 00:32:26.330 Karl Anderson, MTC: All projects all project phases must be fully funded. Unless your project, if it is in the large infrastructure, project category 186 00:32:26.825 --> 00:32:42.920 Karl Anderson, MTC: and then a reminder that even though you know their project is, may receive Federal funds. The State administers this program with 4 project phases. That's the environmental phase or pad, final design. Ps and E, right of way and construction phases. 187 00:32:47.590 --> 00:32:48.829 Karl Anderson, MTC: but huh! 188 00:32:50.199 --> 00:33:10.819 Karl Anderson, MTC: Next continue on the statewide guidelines. The Dac Point structure is remaining the same for cycle 7. So no, you know, nothing changed there. Local match is not required for applicants at the statewide program, although you can receive up to 5 points in your application. For leverage funds 189 00:33:10.940 --> 00:33:14.700 Karl Anderson, MTC: in the medium and large infrastructure project category. 190 00:33:15.116 --> 00:33:26.499 Karl Anderson, MTC: If you are pursuing a plan, please note that you know plans up to 2% of the program funding may be used for active transportation plans, and they must be in a disadvantaged community. 191 00:33:27.310 --> 00:33:28.549 Karl Anderson, MTC: And for 192 00:33:28.800 --> 00:33:30.633 Karl Anderson, MTC: phasing flexibility 193 00:33:31.980 --> 00:33:47.920 Karl Anderson, MTC: project. Sponsors are able to transfer allocated front funds from earlier phases to later phases, although there are some limitations, and I believe that we can still do amendments to funding plans as long as we have not entered the fiscal year in which your funds are programmed. 194 00:33:48.567 --> 00:34:01.280 Karl Anderson, MTC: And it it yeah, as as continued with atv cycle 7 Engineer. Certification and review of your cost, scope and schedule is required to be included in your application. 195 00:34:01.330 --> 00:34:14.646 Karl Anderson, MTC: and all applications must meet the Cal trans project study, report, equivalency standards, and the Cal. Trans. Psr. Presentation and workshop recording are linked to 196 00:34:15.880 --> 00:34:24.289 Karl Anderson, MTC: but are linked on this slide, and they're also included in the box material from the link provided at the beginning of this meeting and on the title slide. 197 00:34:25.330 --> 00:34:40.540 Karl Anderson, MTC: and then the asterisk. Here, at the bottom of this slide that in the regional program local match, is actually required. For some projects that are don't benefit a safe for us to school, or that aren't safe for us to school project or don't benefit a disadvantaged community. 198 00:34:45.569 --> 00:35:11.140 Karl Anderson, MTC: Continuing with the statewide application all applicants should be prepared to discuss the projects location near a large or busy roadway the project's ability to accommodate all users, especially older adults and persons with disabilities and be able to discuss any sort of anti displacement strategies that the jurisdiction is implementing to mitigate any potential displacement from atp investments 199 00:35:11.771 --> 00:35:19.720 Karl Anderson, MTC: and specific to large applications. Applicants should be prepared to discuss or show how the project is included. An approved plan 200 00:35:20.081 --> 00:35:30.690 Karl Anderson, MTC: and the project's connection to housing, so be prepared to highlight any connections to existing or planned affordable housing, and discuss how the project will advance local transportation and land use goals. 201 00:35:32.120 --> 00:35:44.120 Karl Anderson, MTC: I'll pause here before going into the regional guideline updates Libby, do we have any questions? Or Desiree Beverly? Does anything want to add on a statewide guidelines piece before moving on to the regional. 202 00:35:45.600 --> 00:35:47.300 Libby Nachman, MTC: We have one question. 203 00:35:48.270 --> 00:35:52.790 Libby Nachman, MTC: is there a threshold for amount of leveraged funds to get all 5 points. 204 00:35:53.805 --> 00:36:05.909 Karl Anderson, MTC: Yeah, thanks for that question. So in order to receive the maximum amount of points. For your application in the large pro in the large category you have to include 20 205 00:36:05.930 --> 00:36:11.070 Karl Anderson, MTC: 20% or more in other funding for your project to get all 5 points. 206 00:36:15.250 --> 00:36:17.196 Libby Nachman, MTC: And one other question, 207 00:36:19.090 --> 00:36:23.929 Libby Nachman, MTC: what does discuss location near a busy highway affect. 208 00:36:25.132 --> 00:36:41.229 Karl Anderson, MTC: So going back to, I think it's this comment that it's the questions in reference to as a part of atp cycle 6 ctc. Commissioner wanted to receive more information as to why jurisdiction 209 00:36:41.694 --> 00:36:55.630 Karl Anderson, MTC: selected to include active transportation improvements along any sort of large or busy roadway corridors. To have more data to make sure that Atp, you know, the Atp investments 210 00:36:55.690 --> 00:37:03.930 Karl Anderson, MTC: weren't contributing to adverse health impacts. I I believe that was the genesis of the question. Beverly is that, you know 211 00:37:04.520 --> 00:37:13.240 Karl Anderson, MTC: an accurate depiction of you know how that that piece got added here? And could you maybe expand on how you're using that data moving forward. 212 00:37:14.290 --> 00:37:15.890 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Yeah. So 213 00:37:16.800 --> 00:37:26.579 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): this question was added at the request of a commissioner who had a special interest in the health impacts of air pollution. 214 00:37:27.610 --> 00:37:41.589 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): So how we're using that data really, right now is just to kind of gather information on how applicants are mitigating the impacts of air pollution on active transportation users. 215 00:37:42.000 --> 00:37:50.099 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): It isn't a non-scored portion of the application, so it's in part a which is like more of like where you put all 216 00:37:50.520 --> 00:37:55.770 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): the information about your project, not your narrative. Nothing is scored there. 217 00:37:57.060 --> 00:37:58.000 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): So 218 00:37:58.140 --> 00:38:02.170 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): you know you have to answer that question whether or not it. 219 00:38:02.790 --> 00:38:05.969 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): It's near a roadway with an 220 00:38:06.987 --> 00:38:08.750 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): a DT. 221 00:38:09.870 --> 00:38:11.379 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): I think a hundred 25 222 00:38:11.400 --> 00:38:12.500 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): 1,000 223 00:38:13.180 --> 00:38:13.730 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): but 224 00:38:14.240 --> 00:38:25.410 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): so you have to answer the question. Then you have to provide like a brief response. If you're doing anything at all, if at all, to medicate air pollution impacts if it's near one of these large roadways. 225 00:38:25.540 --> 00:38:33.980 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): But it's not like, you know, we're gonna go through and be like, oh, that's not a good mitigation effort like you you like. We're gonna subtract points. We won't do that. 226 00:38:34.312 --> 00:38:43.779 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): We're just kind of it's all just gonna go into, like, you know, our data gathering to see what people are doing. And then, maybe in a future cycle. We kind of evolve on that and 227 00:38:43.840 --> 00:38:47.920 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): explore that a little bit more, and ask applicants to talk about it more. But for now it's just kind of 228 00:38:48.220 --> 00:38:51.479 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): I'm doing some groundwork on our end to see what people are doing. 229 00:38:53.540 --> 00:38:55.999 Karl Anderson, MTC: Awesome. Thanks, Beverly. Anything else, Libby? 230 00:38:56.500 --> 00:38:57.420 Libby Nachman, MTC: But for now. 231 00:38:57.830 --> 00:38:58.480 Karl Anderson, MTC: Okay. 232 00:38:59.610 --> 00:39:01.869 Karl Anderson, MTC: alright, moving on 233 00:39:02.331 --> 00:39:14.528 Karl Anderson, MTC: to the Mtc updates. So the red text here that's underlined provides a direct link to Mtc's adopted guidelines. Overall. Mtc is not really 234 00:39:15.030 --> 00:39:28.707 Karl Anderson, MTC: changing any of the award or sorry any of the scoring criteria. The most significant change the regional program is that we are also moving to an online format for the application. 235 00:39:29.320 --> 00:39:40.050 Karl Anderson, MTC: but here are a few. If here are a few highlights of things that we've maintained in our guidelines. So Mtc. Is encouraging jurisdictions that do not 236 00:39:40.860 --> 00:39:58.209 Karl Anderson, MTC: do not benefit for projects that do not benefit and disadvantaged communities defined by the State to still continue to prioritize projects that benefit equity priority communities. So if you're using the equity priority communities definition to qualify in the state program 237 00:39:58.540 --> 00:40:17.699 Karl Anderson, MTC: you'll be using the latest epc, approved data from our planning program for the 2014 to 2018 acs. Data we are still requiring a local match. At a at 11.4 7 however, we will waive that requirement for safe for us to school projects non infrastructure projects 238 00:40:17.750 --> 00:40:21.960 Karl Anderson, MTC: and projects benefiting Mtc equity priority communities. 239 00:40:22.285 --> 00:40:28.289 Karl Anderson, MTC: We also waive that if pre-construction was fully funded, if the pre-construction phases were fully funded by local funds. 240 00:40:29.097 --> 00:40:35.810 Karl Anderson, MTC: A scalability plan is still required for applications requesting more than 10 million dollars. And 241 00:40:35.970 --> 00:40:56.607 Karl Anderson, MTC: the reason we have maintained this is because, we have seen an increase in the amount or the total cost for active transportation investments, and we don't necessarily have the as large of a pot of funding available to award as the State does. So this is our effort to mitigate any sort of 242 00:40:58.530 --> 00:41:11.519 Karl Anderson, MTC: instance where a project, you know, might be requesting more than we have, you know available funding for, or if there is a project that's at our funding cut offline and may be able to use a smaller award than the full amount that they requested. 243 00:41:12.812 --> 00:41:27.739 Karl Anderson, MTC: We are revising, or we are continuing to maintain our scoring of the disadvantaged communities question at the State level to augment that, or sorry to augment that from 10 points to 6 6 points. 244 00:41:27.740 --> 00:41:44.880 Karl Anderson, MTC: and then incorporate additional points from Mtc planning initiatives. Like, if your project is located in a a community based transportation plan. Or if your project. Is it within a jurisdiction with a vision 0 or a bike and pedestrian safety plan or policy in place? 245 00:41:47.380 --> 00:42:05.110 Karl Anderson, MTC: we are also screening app. We're also continuing to screen applications for their consistency with our obag platform, with our O bag funding program specifically to make sure that their housing element and complete streets. Policies are up to date, and that there are 246 00:42:05.820 --> 00:42:12.529 Karl Anderson, MTC: instances of transit agency coordination where your project interfaces with the right of way of a trans transit agency. 247 00:42:14.370 --> 00:42:26.072 Karl Anderson, MTC: for Mtc's regional program we are still requiring and a supplemental application. So applicants must submit both the statewide application and the regional supplemental application to Mtc. 248 00:42:26.670 --> 00:42:38.049 Karl Anderson, MTC: I will note that you have the opportunity to, you know, download your statewide application from submitable and submit that to Mtc. Staff as a a Pdf. 249 00:42:38.379 --> 00:42:47.340 Karl Anderson, MTC: But if you do not do that don't. Don't be worried. We'll be able to get all the statewide applications within the region directly from Ctc staff. 250 00:42:48.077 --> 00:43:11.930 Karl Anderson, MTC: and then Mtc will score the applications. And use additional criteria. Specifically. As your project advances regional priorities. Whether or not your project has a completed environmental document already, and whether or not your project is consistent with a countywide plans, goals, and whether or not it's consistency with Mtc's deliver, be deliverability policy. 251 00:43:12.270 --> 00:43:15.690 Karl Anderson, MTC: and then note that all other statewide guidelines apply. 252 00:43:17.662 --> 00:43:21.339 Karl Anderson, MTC: I'll pause here before going into this slide, Libby, do we have any questions? 253 00:43:21.600 --> 00:43:23.989 Karl Anderson, MTC: Or, Kenny? Do you want to add anything. 254 00:43:26.470 --> 00:43:27.859 Libby Nachman, MTC: No questions right now. 255 00:43:28.730 --> 00:43:29.760 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright! Thanks. 256 00:43:29.760 --> 00:43:32.080 Kenneth Kao: And nothing I have right now as well. Thank you. 257 00:43:32.080 --> 00:43:33.149 Karl Anderson, MTC: Great thanks kidding 258 00:43:33.597 --> 00:43:45.210 Karl Anderson, MTC: so, as I mentioned if you are unable to qualify, or if your project is unable to qualify in a disadvantaged community criteria metric at the statewide program 259 00:43:45.895 --> 00:44:07.914 Karl Anderson, MTC: under the approved metrics and their guidelines. You do have the opportunity to use Mtc's equity priority communities. In the other category to qualify this map shows the equity priority priority communities as identified in the latest round of data. The online, the link on this 260 00:44:08.330 --> 00:44:27.230 Karl Anderson, MTC: a slide. We'll send you directly to a map. That you can provide provide a supplemental information in your application. And, like I had mentioned earlier that you will lose out on the maximum available points. If you do use equity priority communities to qualify as a dispatch community at the statewide. Component. 261 00:44:32.710 --> 00:44:33.730 Karl Anderson, MTC: All right. 262 00:44:33.860 --> 00:44:39.620 Karl Anderson, MTC: going into the Atp cycle 7 application update. But before doing that, Libby, any questions. 263 00:44:40.830 --> 00:44:49.059 Libby Nachman, MTC: Yeah, we have one question. If a project needs funds for the environmental work is the Atp a bad bet for these funds. 264 00:44:52.520 --> 00:45:01.149 Karl Anderson, MTC: not really sure if I understand the intent with that question. Is that person able to, you know, get off mute, or can we unmute them, Libby? 265 00:45:01.970 --> 00:45:02.959 Karl Anderson, MTC: Maybe they can. 266 00:45:02.960 --> 00:45:07.960 Libby Nachman, MTC: Yeah, let's see if I can. Let's see. Yeah, you're raising your hand. Let me unmute you. 267 00:45:11.810 --> 00:45:12.500 Libby Nachman, MTC: Saint 268 00:45:12.920 --> 00:45:14.630 Libby Nachman, MTC: don't know. 269 00:45:15.650 --> 00:45:17.920 Libby Nachman, MTC: I don't know if I have that capability. 270 00:45:18.740 --> 00:45:20.040 Karl Anderson, MTC: See, I think I just. 271 00:45:20.040 --> 00:45:22.570 Libby Nachman, MTC: I do. No, you have to do it. I think. 272 00:45:22.770 --> 00:45:23.329 Jean Severinghaus: How you know you. 273 00:45:23.330 --> 00:45:23.800 Karl Anderson, MTC: So I. 274 00:45:23.800 --> 00:45:26.823 Jean Severinghaus: Hi! It's James. Everything else. Thanks. Hi, hi, everyone. 275 00:45:28.110 --> 00:45:29.100 Jean Severinghaus: So 276 00:45:29.772 --> 00:45:38.419 Jean Severinghaus: the environmental work already been done is supposed to, I believe, as I understand it. Make sure that your projects gonna get finished within the timeline. 277 00:45:38.560 --> 00:45:40.530 Jean Severinghaus: What if you actually really need 278 00:45:40.550 --> 00:45:44.120 Jean Severinghaus: to get environmental work done on a major gap closure 279 00:45:44.140 --> 00:45:52.780 Jean Severinghaus: is the atp, the Ra. The wrong place to apply. Should should that, becoming more out of another pot of money like Rm. 3 or 280 00:45:52.920 --> 00:45:55.010 Jean Severinghaus: safe for us to transit, or something else. 281 00:45:56.090 --> 00:46:01.979 Karl Anderson, MTC: So what I will say is, while Mtc. Prioritizes projects that are 282 00:46:02.020 --> 00:46:06.359 Karl Anderson, MTC: quote unquote construction ready, or projects that have already cleared their environmental phase. 283 00:46:07.110 --> 00:46:19.809 Karl Anderson, MTC: It's only 3 points out of the supplemental 10 points. So for projects that don't have environmental already completed, I I wouldn't say that that criteria 284 00:46:21.800 --> 00:46:34.915 Karl Anderson, MTC: prohibits you from applying in the Atp, you can still very much apply for the Atp and use any Atp funds for the environmental phase. I I think what I will also note is that 285 00:46:35.770 --> 00:46:44.333 Karl Anderson, MTC: if you are applying for a project that hasn't already gone through that environmental phase, or already has a preferred alternative. It may be 286 00:46:44.730 --> 00:47:01.029 Karl Anderson, MTC: a little bit less thorough in the scope that you're, you know, applying for compared to other applications that have already completed that and have that information? Already. A little bit more thought out. Is, does that get it? Your question, Jean, or are you thinking of something else. 287 00:47:02.240 --> 00:47:02.750 Jean Severinghaus: Yes! 288 00:47:03.010 --> 00:47:03.620 Karl Anderson, MTC: Okay. 289 00:47:04.070 --> 00:47:05.210 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright, thanks, Jean. 290 00:47:08.730 --> 00:47:17.800 Karl Anderson, MTC: all right. Moving on to the new applications for Atp cycle 7. But as a quick reminder, first applications will be due on Monday, June seventeenth. 291 00:47:17.850 --> 00:47:26.950 Karl Anderson, MTC: So you want to make sure you're on track, and remember that date to get your application in on time, and that is for both the statewide and the regional components. 292 00:47:28.130 --> 00:47:32.820 Karl Anderson, MTC: So here are all the resources and links. For your applications. 293 00:47:33.410 --> 00:47:35.810 Karl Anderson, MTC: The applications for the statewide 294 00:47:36.640 --> 00:47:43.840 Karl Anderson, MTC: statewide atp program and quick builds. Actually, Beverly, I need to ask you that I couldn't remember. Off the top of my head. 295 00:47:44.020 --> 00:47:52.139 Karl Anderson, MTC: Will the quick build application use the same application as the statewide component? Or will that be a separate system. 296 00:47:53.730 --> 00:47:57.009 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): The quick build application is available on submitable. Now, though. 297 00:47:57.010 --> 00:48:01.229 Karl Anderson, MTC: Okay, awesome. Great. So yeah, if you are. Oh, go ahead. 298 00:48:01.570 --> 00:48:02.190 Karl Anderson, MTC: Yep. 299 00:48:02.190 --> 00:48:03.281 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): No, I'm okay. Thank you. 300 00:48:03.500 --> 00:48:27.340 Karl Anderson, MTC: Okay? Yeah. If you are pursuing a quick build, a project. That application will be a part of the statewide application which is linked here, and then the regional supplemental application is also linked here. And you must submit the applications to Ca, cal trends and Ctc staff via submittable for the statewide component and to and to Mtc staff for the regional for the regional component. 301 00:48:27.969 --> 00:48:40.360 Karl Anderson, MTC: As I mentioned, the applications are all online this time, with the statewide application and the quick build applications being done through submittable and the regional application will be done 302 00:48:41.560 --> 00:48:44.740 Karl Anderson, MTC: on an online platform linked on our Atp website. 303 00:48:45.398 --> 00:49:01.001 Karl Anderson, MTC: And there will be an option for you to submit your state application in the regional application itself. However, it's not required that you do so, since Mtc staff will be working with Ctc. Staff to make sure we get all the applications from the statewide component. From the Bay area. 304 00:49:02.770 --> 00:49:05.930 Karl Anderson, MTC: Here's a little just preview of what the 305 00:49:06.322 --> 00:49:24.160 Karl Anderson, MTC: Atp application at the statewide level. Looks like. Once you click the submittable link. You'll be taken to a page. Here on the right. That explains the information explains the project types and all the resources, and has all the resources for you. To complete your application, depending on the project type. 306 00:49:24.556 --> 00:49:46.739 Karl Anderson, MTC: In addition to the resources and the information shared at the link for the application. If you go to Ctc's Atp website, there are, a massive amount of documents. But they're all useful, which includes a application checklist to make sure that you have all the things that you that are required for you to submit your application. 307 00:49:47.084 --> 00:50:06.699 Karl Anderson, MTC: Any FAQ, questions about submittable and the application process in general. There are the documents that include all the questions for each of the application types, and I believe those are in both Pdf. And Microsoft word and the scoring rubrics for each of the project types at the state level. 308 00:50:06.750 --> 00:50:22.599 Karl Anderson, MTC: And you have the ability to attach maps and images, and everything that you need to for your application directly through this web web interface. So you don't need to worry about, you know, printing everything out and mailing it in or submitting it via email or through a separate portal? 309 00:50:23.105 --> 00:50:29.180 Karl Anderson, MTC: Beverly, is there anything else you'd like to highlight here? About the submittable application? 310 00:50:29.583 --> 00:50:38.780 Karl Anderson, MTC: And as Beverly noted before, there are workshop materials from the submittable workshop and the recording of that workshop available at this Atp website. 311 00:50:41.393 --> 00:50:51.220 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): No, I think I covered all of it, or you covered all of it. Sorry? The only thing I was thinking maybe, is. So someone actually emailed me today, not anyone on this call. But they emailed me today. And they said that 312 00:50:51.400 --> 00:51:02.060 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): one of the links was broken. So if you if you see anything like that like if you're trying to access one of these resources, and the link isn't working, or you're having trouble. Just shoot us an email. 313 00:51:02.110 --> 00:51:16.040 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): and we can get it fixed. And then we can probably also just provide you like with a copy of it. Like through email of like the resources. So yeah, please don't be shy if you're having trouble. And just like, please send us questions. If you have questions. 314 00:51:17.230 --> 00:51:34.769 Karl Anderson, MTC: Thanks, Beverly. 1 one thing that I think is pretty common for jurisdictions applying is that they, you know, are working on this collaboratively with other staff or consultant? Is there? Is, is there the opportunity to work on applications collaboratively? If so, is there anything that we should watch out for or 315 00:51:35.660 --> 00:51:37.120 Karl Anderson, MTC: how can you respond to that. 316 00:51:39.180 --> 00:51:44.579 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Yeah. So the submittable platform has a collaboration feature. 317 00:51:45.560 --> 00:51:54.179 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): I won't go through how to use it right now, because there's actually step-by-step instructions in the FAQ document that Alicia put together. 318 00:51:54.625 --> 00:51:59.060 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): So check that out. But yeah, there's a collaboration feature where you can collaborate with 319 00:51:59.260 --> 00:52:06.760 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): anyone inside or outside of your organization. You basically send them an invitation, and then they get a link to the application and they can go in 320 00:52:07.000 --> 00:52:14.880 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): and collaborate with you on it. I think this isn't all of our documents, but if you use that feature. 321 00:52:15.420 --> 00:52:21.139 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): one big thing to remember is that it is possible to save over each other's 322 00:52:21.370 --> 00:52:24.139 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): each other's work. So if you're collaborating with someone 323 00:52:24.150 --> 00:52:46.319 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): and you're working on it at the same time, you could save it and save over the work that they've done. If they, if, if kind of like, what you're doing is clashing with what they're doing, so you should be kind of you need to communicate with any of your collaborators outside of submittable like, you need to be telling each other that you're in the application working on it you you shouldn't be in there at the same time. 324 00:52:46.622 --> 00:52:48.320 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Like working on 2 different things. 325 00:52:48.910 --> 00:52:51.439 Karl Anderson, MTC: Okay, great thanks for that. Beverly. Appreciate it. 326 00:52:52.890 --> 00:53:13.430 Elika Changizi: Carl, I just wanted to quickly add to what Beverly said, I can share a link to those Faqs in the chat. If that would be helpful. But Beverly also built out Pdf. And word documents of all of the application, all of the application types, and those are linked and posted on our website. 327 00:53:13.783 --> 00:53:23.690 Elika Changizi: I'll work this week to get those posted and submitable as well if they're not already posted there. But those are really helpful, too. If you are collaborating 328 00:53:23.982 --> 00:53:32.470 Elika Changizi: with a larger group on an application, you can kind of work through the responses and that word document, and then copy and paste them into the submittable application. 329 00:53:34.790 --> 00:53:43.999 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Yeah, thanks, Alica. And those lists of questions. We included all of the word counts for each question. So 330 00:53:44.418 --> 00:54:08.049 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): it was. It was a big request we got at the the workshop we had, or the webinar we had so people can kind of work in word first and then paste it into the application. Some people, I guess, just work better that way. So yeah, that's another way that you can kind of share how you're responding to things with people, and make sure that you're within like the word count or the character limit whatever one it is. 331 00:54:08.290 --> 00:54:10.069 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Thanks for bringing that up, Alica. 332 00:54:11.490 --> 00:54:14.565 Karl Anderson, MTC: Great thanks, Beverly, appreciate that. Thank you. Lica 333 00:54:16.426 --> 00:54:36.590 Karl Anderson, MTC: and then for the regional application similar to the State. Mtc. Followed suit and is now doing an online only version of the application so this is a screenshot from Mtc's Atp website. Once you scroll down, you'll find a component of the page where it has all the information, for atp cycle 7, 334 00:54:36.590 --> 00:54:47.040 Karl Anderson, MTC: both for the state wide component, which are the top 2 bars in these rows here and the regional component information. Here on the second row 335 00:54:47.040 --> 00:55:16.210 Karl Anderson, MTC: you'll be able to find Mtc's regional supplemental application in that middle box that is circled there, and you'll be able to complete the application there through that portal. If you are similar to the state Atp. If you would like to take a look at a preview of the full application you can download that on the link to the right, and you'll be able to, you know, work, work in a Pdf. There, or work in a word, document there! If that's the way that you want to go about the application 336 00:55:17.920 --> 00:55:43.149 Karl Anderson, MTC: and and I actually do highlight that because the application itself, it does require you to complete certain questions before you can advance in the application. So that's why we included a full preview of the application that way. You knew what application, what new, what you knew that way. You knew which application questions were ahead of you instead of going through one thing at a time, and you know, maybe leaving the tab open for a month or so. 337 00:55:43.548 --> 00:55:58.291 Karl Anderson, MTC: So actually, Beverly, is that a piece of the submittable application that people have to navigate? Are there required questions that prevent them from advancing like in the next page, or the next section of the application. 338 00:55:58.830 --> 00:56:00.229 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Yeah, I didn't have a chance to. 339 00:56:00.230 --> 00:56:02.070 Karl Anderson, MTC: Through. See that that was the case. Yet. 340 00:56:02.520 --> 00:56:18.319 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Yeah, that that is the case. The the general structure is there. So you can kind of scroll down and see, like the each section and some of the general questions. But guess how you answer certain questions will determine, like, how some parts of the application are populated. 341 00:56:18.480 --> 00:56:22.769 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): so like for the disadvantaged community question, for example. 342 00:56:23.940 --> 00:56:32.370 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): it, it asks if your project benefits a disadvantage community like that's the only question in the section. And if you say yes, and the rest of it populates like Bill and your 343 00:56:32.580 --> 00:56:40.080 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): which qualifier are using qualifier you're using. If you say no, then it basically just says, like you can skip to the next question. 344 00:56:40.350 --> 00:56:41.300 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): and but. 345 00:56:41.850 --> 00:56:50.599 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): like you like Mtc. Our list of questions is kind of a preview. So it tells you kind of it shows you the flow of how the questions are. So 346 00:56:50.680 --> 00:56:59.660 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): this is like the question at the top. And then, if you say yes, you'll get this. If you say no, you'll get this. So yeah, we tried to provide a preview of that as well. 347 00:57:01.190 --> 00:57:02.479 Karl Anderson, MTC: Great thanks, Beverly. 348 00:57:04.680 --> 00:57:05.490 Karl Anderson, MTC: alright. 349 00:57:05.590 --> 00:57:14.969 Karl Anderson, MTC: And here's a screenshot of what Mtc's application will look like on once you click the web link there. That image is on the right. 350 00:57:15.791 --> 00:57:28.870 Karl Anderson, MTC: And the information on the left. There's the link directly to our Atp page where you can access the regional resources. And again, this is required in addition to the statewide application to be eligible in the regional component. 351 00:57:29.309 --> 00:57:35.750 Karl Anderson, MTC: The supplemental regional application includes questions about your project's benefit to Mtc equity priority communities. 352 00:57:36.103 --> 00:57:53.620 Karl Anderson, MTC: Whether or not the project is located or identified in a community based transportation plan whether or not. Your jurisdiction has a vision, an adopted division, 0 policy or bike and pedestrian safety focus policy and plan and it's the project's consistency with advancing regional priorities and planning efforts. 353 00:57:54.157 --> 00:58:01.900 Karl Anderson, MTC: The full application package requirements for the regional Atp is listed on the last page of the application, or sorry 354 00:58:02.160 --> 00:58:11.299 Karl Anderson, MTC: what is listed on the first page of the application, and but the last page of the cycle, 7 regional atp guidelines that's accessible on our website above 355 00:58:13.636 --> 00:58:29.409 Karl Anderson, MTC: and we also do have some quick resources that we put together, for Atp Cycle 6, we have a active transportation application checklist and Mtc. Barrier. Best practices for your narrative as you discuss the benefits of your project. In the application 356 00:58:29.967 --> 00:58:56.379 Karl Anderson, MTC: and as I had mentioned earlier in this presentation, that in an effort to, you know, improve our performance. As a region in a statewide program. If you do have a final draft of your application. Ready to go. Please send me a copy. By May Twenty-seventh and Npc. Staff and our technical assistance program consultant. Have the ability to offer review and provide some preliminary feedback 357 00:58:56.380 --> 00:59:05.999 Karl Anderson, MTC: on your application, we will be providing feedback on a rolling basis. On first come first come first. Serve through June fourteenth 358 00:59:06.348 --> 00:59:15.289 Karl Anderson, MTC: so again, please try and send us that by May twenty-seventh I think I misspoke earlier. And the presentation said, May 20, fourth, but that deadline would be May 27. 359 00:59:16.615 --> 00:59:20.059 Karl Anderson, MTC: Libby. Do we have any questions in chat? Or on the QA. 360 00:59:21.102 --> 00:59:26.819 Libby Nachman, MTC: No active questions. I there was a question about word limits, and I just put an answer directly. QA. 361 00:59:27.050 --> 00:59:28.279 Karl Anderson, MTC: Okay. Thanks. 362 00:59:28.650 --> 00:59:30.970 Kenneth Kao: One note is that May 20, seventh is 363 00:59:31.030 --> 00:59:32.860 Kenneth Kao: Memorial Day. So 364 00:59:33.400 --> 00:59:35.109 Kenneth Kao: if you want to 365 00:59:35.660 --> 00:59:36.819 Kenneth Kao: get that in the sandbox. 366 00:59:36.820 --> 00:59:40.020 Karl Anderson, MTC: That's a May 20 eighth sorry folks. 367 00:59:40.900 --> 00:59:42.269 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright, thanks, Kenny. 368 00:59:44.190 --> 01:00:05.619 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright and here here's a just a a quick picture of the technical assistance documents that Mtc. Was able to generate for Atp Cycle 6 a timeline of where you should be on your application ahead of the application deadline and some common best practices that help improve your overall application. 369 01:00:06.260 --> 01:00:29.169 Karl Anderson, MTC: and those are linked in the presentation here. And or you can, just, you know. Look at them on the screenshot. Here are additional resources that are available to you. So on Cal transes atp Web Page. You'll find the most, at least, in my opinion, the most informative piece here, for your application is the Cal. Trans. Psr equivalency, presentation, and recording of that workshop. 370 01:00:29.603 --> 01:00:43.046 Karl Anderson, MTC: On the active transportation resource centers, web page. They have various resources available to you. Especially in terms of technical assistance and any potential future trainings that your jurisdiction might be interested in and application tools. 371 01:00:43.400 --> 01:01:04.130 Karl Anderson, MTC: Previously, I I didn't have the opportunity to take a look and see if the safe routes to trans safe routes to school partnership has any, has any updated technical assistance? Resources. But previously they've put together a step by step guide for the application process, and areas that you can focus on for different components. Of your application. 372 01:01:06.050 --> 01:01:13.716 Karl Anderson, MTC: I'll pause there to see if we have any comments or questions, or Beverly or Desiree. See if you want to add anything about the application 373 01:01:14.110 --> 01:01:19.010 Karl Anderson, MTC: or any of the additional resources that are available to folks as they navigate. This process. 374 01:01:20.518 --> 01:01:32.629 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Just one thing I wanted to add is that safe route partnership is actually hosting a webinar next Tuesday, the thirtieth at. I'm looking at my calendar right now. One pm. 375 01:01:33.080 --> 01:01:42.299 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): it's specifically going to go over the changes to the scoring rubrics related to the combination applications. So the infrastructure. Non-infastructure combination applications. 376 01:01:42.958 --> 01:01:56.339 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): And I will be presenting on that webinar along with Jonathan Matt from, say, brought partnership. So if you are interested in that. And you don't have the details yet. You can email me. I don't have the details on hand, because I only have my like 377 01:01:56.610 --> 01:02:02.610 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): presenter Link right now. But I can. If you're interested, just send me an email. And I can get you that information. 378 01:02:04.190 --> 01:02:05.210 Karl Anderson, MTC: Thanks, Beverly. 379 01:02:06.980 --> 01:02:08.360 Karl Anderson, MTC: Anything else, Libby? 380 01:02:08.940 --> 01:02:10.509 Libby Nachman, MTC: No questions right now. 381 01:02:10.510 --> 01:02:29.572 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright so wanted to. Provide a few slides and updates about the quick build pilot program that the State is continuing at the state wide. Component level. If you don't already know what a quick bill project is. A quick build. Projects are. A quick build project is an interim capital improvement project that furthers the goals of the Atp 382 01:02:30.226 --> 01:02:51.443 Karl Anderson, MTC: And these projects require very minor construction activities and are typically built with durable low to moderate cost materials, and last, one to 5 years. Typically, this is our like paint and crosswalk treatments, or curb treatments that allow for very quick safety improvements. Instead of actually going through. And you know, redesigning the street, and re or sorry 383 01:02:53.310 --> 01:02:55.920 Karl Anderson, MTC: redesigned the the physical presence of the Street. 384 01:02:57.207 --> 01:03:17.350 Karl Anderson, MTC: For the 2025 Atp. The State is continuing their pilot program. Ctc anticipates to carry a maximum of 77 million to quick build projects. And quick build applicants will use a smaller version of the application also through submittable, and that application is also due on the same due date, June seventeenth, 2024 385 01:03:17.956 --> 01:03:37.290 Karl Anderson, MTC: the Ctc. Has a liberty, or as the option, to select several quick bill projects or none. It'll depend on the quality of quick bill projects that they receive. The specific guidance on the applicate, on the quick build projects are included, or is included in appendixd to the statewide atp guidelines that are linked on this slide. 386 01:03:37.629 --> 01:03:47.209 Karl Anderson, MTC: And then Mtc also does have a few additional resources that are available to jurisdictions that are seeking a seeking to implement quick build projects on our website, also linked here. 387 01:03:47.810 --> 01:04:05.659 Karl Anderson, MTC: And I mentioned earlier and Desiree and Beverly. Stated that if you are pursuing funding in the Atp for quick build projects. You Mo. Must schedule a Ctc. Me. A meeting with Ctc. By May seventeenth, to discuss the nature of your project to make sure it's a good fit for the program. 388 01:04:08.010 --> 01:04:15.430 Karl Anderson, MTC: And finally, just some general tips and scoring and the evaluation process for these projects. And Atp. 389 01:04:15.950 --> 01:04:19.649 Karl Anderson, MTC: or actually, I'll pause here, Libby, do we have any questions in QA. Or chat. 390 01:04:20.580 --> 01:04:21.960 Libby Nachman, MTC: Nope no questions. 391 01:04:21.960 --> 01:04:27.305 Karl Anderson, MTC: Okay and Beverly and Desiree, I assume there's nothing to add on the quick. Build. 392 01:04:28.140 --> 01:04:31.449 Karl Anderson, MTC: pilot, or please let please chime in. If I miss something. 393 01:04:32.680 --> 01:04:33.589 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Thing for me. 394 01:04:33.840 --> 01:04:35.400 Karl Anderson, MTC: Okay, thank you. 395 01:04:36.117 --> 01:05:03.170 Karl Anderson, MTC: So some general tips for your application. As you're putting everything together. You wanna make sure that you are demonstrating that your project can be delivered within the timeframe that you have highlighted. So please make sure that you're not trying to, you know. Do multiple phases in the same fiscal year, or you have a clear path forward. If you do encounter any sort of delays in the pro in the project to deliver your project as as outlined in your scope. 396 01:05:05.250 --> 01:05:13.319 Karl Anderson, MTC: projects that score well tend to have a direct benefit that's to severe disadvantaged communities and equity. Priority communities. 397 01:05:14.752 --> 01:05:39.900 Karl Anderson, MTC: projects score. Well, have a high effectiveness of promoting active transportation and safety. So like we had mentioned before projects that do incorporate some degree of non infrastructure elements. With their capital improvements. Tend to score a little bit better in the Ecp. You wanna be sure to identify all groups of users, and how they would benefit from the proposed improvements and not just focus on maybe one group per se 398 01:05:40.654 --> 01:05:42.886 Karl Anderson, MTC: align your projects 399 01:05:43.920 --> 01:05:46.810 Karl Anderson, MTC: goals with regional goals and planning efforts. 400 01:05:47.265 --> 01:05:56.139 Karl Anderson, MTC: We. It's required that you apply for both the State. Sorry in order to be eligible for the regional Atp. It is required that you apply for the statewide program. 401 01:05:56.768 --> 01:06:18.730 Karl Anderson, MTC: And be sure to answer all questions. Please don't leave anything blank. And please do your best if it feels like you are, you know, reiterating something from a previous question. Make sure that you're not just copy and pasting. There is a lot of nuance to these questions, and you wanna make sure that you articulating the the benefits and the needs of your project. clearly to the reviewers. 402 01:06:19.221 --> 01:06:38.750 Karl Anderson, MTC: And be sure to leverage any sort of additional community. Partners. In the review of your application. Oftentimes we see that this, you know, really benefits, and really, you know, pushes an application over the edge. When they have multiple eyes and multiple perspectives. Capturing the benefits of their project and for community 403 01:06:40.745 --> 01:07:02.480 Karl Anderson, MTC: more tips, be sure to proofread your applications. Go through with a fine tooth comb for quality control to make sure. You know you're not missing something, or you're misstating something, or you're, you know, super short on the word count, or you're way over on the word count. Make sure you're doing that quality control check before you actually hit. Submit on submitable 404 01:07:02.993 --> 01:07:09.899 Karl Anderson, MTC: make sure that you're supporting any claims that you're making in your application with thorough documentation and data. 405 01:07:10.426 --> 01:07:25.230 Karl Anderson, MTC: Please be sure to include any additional photos or maps or illustrations that convey the current state of your Juris, the current state of your Project area, and how this improvement would, you know, actually improve things. For your community. 406 01:07:25.632 --> 01:07:31.430 Karl Anderson, MTC: Like. I mentioned the last slide. Enlist any local community members to review and contribute to the application 407 01:07:31.480 --> 01:07:46.140 Karl Anderson, MTC: and tailor. Your project and your application to the goals of the Atp. This is a hyper competitive program. And so you want to make sure that you're hitting the mark on all the components of the atp guidelines and the scoring criteria to be competitive 408 01:07:48.260 --> 01:07:49.220 Karl Anderson, MTC: scoring. 409 01:07:50.190 --> 01:08:09.799 Karl Anderson, MTC: as Beverly mentioned, the scoring rubrics are available on the Ctc's website at this link. Just be sure you're looking at the resources available for Cycle 7. The rubrics will outline specifically what the evaluators will be looking for in each of the questions and each of the sub questions. 410 01:08:10.079 --> 01:08:26.309 Karl Anderson, MTC: so it's it's like you have the answer key in front of you as you're filling things out, so please be sure to use that as a guide, as you complete your application to make sure you're hitting the mark, and you're articulating your project benefits and need to be evaluated to the evaluator as clearly as possible. 411 01:08:27.995 --> 01:08:40.209 Karl Anderson, MTC: And here's a summary of what the evaluation process looks like on the regional side. So for any unsuccessful projects that are not selected in the statewide Atp those projects will be considered for funding in the regional Atp 412 01:08:40.572 --> 01:08:47.970 Karl Anderson, MTC: like I had mentioned to be to be eligible in the regional component. You must complete the Mtc's supplemental regional application. 413 01:08:48.443 --> 01:09:03.409 Karl Anderson, MTC: We will score the regional component, or sorry we will use the baseline score from as provided by the State, and then score the supplemental regional application to arrive at Mtc's score for our regional component. 414 01:09:05.210 --> 01:09:10.530 Karl Anderson, MTC: and then we'll identify which projects will be funding our Mtc's regional component. 415 01:09:10.920 --> 01:09:15.189 Karl Anderson, MTC: once the State releases their recommendations and adopts their program. 416 01:09:16.490 --> 01:09:22.090 Karl Anderson, MTC: I'll pause there if we have any questions, Libby, or any comments from any other panelists. 417 01:09:23.890 --> 01:09:26.154 Libby Nachman, MTC: We don't have any questions in the QA. Right now. 418 01:09:26.819 --> 01:09:28.087 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright, thank you. 419 01:09:29.569 --> 01:09:53.149 Karl Anderson, MTC: And project delivery. So to stay consistent with Mtc's regional project. Delivery policy. Mtc. Resolution 3606. We encourage project sponsors to target their allocation no later than January 30. First of the program year. In order that in order for you to make the summer construction season and keep your project on track from the delivery schedule that you've identified. 420 01:09:53.526 --> 01:10:01.259 Karl Anderson, MTC: And we have more information on this policy at our website, linked on the resolution number itself and Mtc's Atp web page. 421 01:10:01.739 --> 01:10:16.359 Karl Anderson, MTC: Mtc evaluators will be reviewing projects specifically as it pertains to the delivery policy to make sure that you know we feel that your project can be delivered on the time or on the timeline provided under that policy. 422 01:10:19.289 --> 01:10:36.439 Karl Anderson, MTC: and if your project is selected for funding please do note that you are required to submit quarterly project status reports and that there are potential consequences for your jurisdiction. If you do fail to submit those reports on time, or fail to resubmit those reports in general. 423 01:10:36.795 --> 01:10:58.829 Karl Anderson, MTC: The progress reports, are required. Beginning with the fiscal year of the project's initial program phase. So if your program for construction and fiscal year 29, then you don't have to, you know. Submit a product a a progress report until you get to that fiscal year. But if you are, if you're if you have funding in the very first fiscal year, fiscal year 25 424 01:10:59.449 --> 01:11:07.168 Karl Anderson, MTC: or sorry, 6, 6, 79, yeah. Fiscal year 26, then you have to submit. Quarterly project reports starting then, and through the 425 01:11:07.879 --> 01:11:10.819 Karl Anderson, MTC: lifelong, through the 426 01:11:13.269 --> 01:11:16.109 Karl Anderson, MTC: through. The timeline in which your project is active 427 01:11:17.150 --> 01:11:31.729 Karl Anderson, MTC: completion and final delivery ports are also required for your project. Once you complete your project completion. Reports are due within 6 months of the construction contract acceptance. And then final delivery reports are due to Cal. Trans. Within 180 days. 428 01:11:32.049 --> 01:11:35.039 Karl Anderson, MTC: within the conclusion of all remaining project activities. 429 01:11:36.921 --> 01:11:43.999 Karl Anderson, MTC: Actually, Desiree. Do you have any comments on progress reporting, or anything to add here that isn't captured on the slide. 430 01:11:47.464 --> 01:11:49.349 Desiree Fox: No, it looks fine to me. 431 01:11:51.220 --> 01:11:52.739 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright, thanks, Desiree. 432 01:11:53.100 --> 01:11:56.239 Karl Anderson, MTC: and continuing on 433 01:11:57.505 --> 01:12:07.894 Karl Anderson, MTC: as a part of Mtc's requirements in the regional program. We do require that your projects are shown in the tip, even if you are receiving standalone funds. 434 01:12:08.520 --> 01:12:24.759 Karl Anderson, MTC: So if you are selected for an award, you are required to submit your tip. They're sorry. Submit your project to the tip through Mtc's fund management system. Linked there. Selected sponsors must also provide an approved resolution of local support. 435 01:12:25.061 --> 01:12:38.639 Karl Anderson, MTC: By April first, 2025. Please forgive the error on this slide here. That, says April first, 2023, that is not the date. I will be sure to update that and upload the correct version. To the box folder. 436 01:12:39.666 --> 01:12:48.050 Karl Anderson, MTC: If you have more information about the resolution of local support. Once you are approved for programming you can reach out to me, and I can walk you through that process. 437 01:12:49.629 --> 01:13:01.780 Karl Anderson, MTC: I'll open it up to the floor if there's any questions or discussion. But that's the the main content of today's presentation, and I will also hide high that we still have 20 min on the 438 01:13:01.840 --> 01:13:16.080 Karl Anderson, MTC: on on on the day. If you have any questions for Cal trans. Project delivery team or Ctc. Atp team. Please encourage. I encourage you to ask those questions, since we have that have their time here. 439 01:13:22.250 --> 01:13:27.819 Karl Anderson, MTC: Libby, do we have any questions in Q&A. Or chat, or anyone that wants to, you know, raise their hand with any comments. 440 01:13:28.020 --> 01:13:32.850 Libby Nachman, MTC: Yeah, I don't see any questions in QA. And I don't see anyone with a raised hand right now. 441 01:13:35.400 --> 01:13:41.329 Karl Anderson, MTC: Okay. If folks don't have questions. I'm still happy to stick around. But here. 442 01:13:41.560 --> 01:14:02.150 Karl Anderson, MTC: here is the contact information for Cal Trans Project delivery team, both she and Desiree. As long as the website for their Atp resources for Cycle 7 and Ctc. Staff contact information for the Atp Project team and the website for any additional resources that you may need access to. 443 01:14:05.450 --> 01:14:17.749 Karl Anderson, MTC: And that concludes everything that I have for folks today. Desiree, Kenny Beverly. Anything you want to add, or Libby? Anything in the QA. That's popping up. 444 01:14:17.750 --> 01:14:25.559 Libby Nachman, MTC: Yeah, we have one question about it looks like we're being recorded. How will people be able to view this after afterwards? 445 01:14:26.460 --> 01:14:37.949 Karl Anderson, MTC: Thank you for the question, so I will send out the recording to everyone that registered, and then we will also make it available on Atp on our website, and and include it in the box material that was 446 01:14:39.630 --> 01:14:44.749 Karl Anderson, MTC: linked in the title slide and in the chat for today's meeting. 447 01:14:48.870 --> 01:14:55.890 Desiree Fox: Might also wanna add that Mary Hart again is no longer with us. I can put her replacements information in the chat. If you'd like. 448 01:14:56.070 --> 01:14:58.212 Karl Anderson, MTC: Yeah, perfect thanks, Desiree. I'll update that accordingly. 449 01:15:01.810 --> 01:15:05.293 Xi Zhang: Also my phone numbers out of date. I'll send you. 450 01:15:06.620 --> 01:15:07.980 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright! It's able to shoot. 451 01:15:08.220 --> 01:15:08.840 Xi Zhang: Yeah. Oh. 452 01:15:09.090 --> 01:15:12.090 Desiree Fox: Since we've been in the office, I mean out of office. 453 01:15:13.020 --> 01:15:14.920 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Oh, yeah, our phone numbers are. 454 01:15:15.310 --> 01:15:19.429 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): Those are our old desk numbers. But we can send you all that info. Carl. 455 01:15:19.430 --> 01:15:21.229 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright, thanks y'all 456 01:15:28.030 --> 01:15:43.809 Karl Anderson, MTC: again at the end, or sorry not again. But at the end of this title slide, or at the end of this. There's additional resources that are available to you. So please click through everything. To make sure that you're accessing anything and everything for your atp application. 457 01:15:48.390 --> 01:15:51.216 Libby Nachman, MTC: We do have an another question that came in 458 01:15:52.270 --> 01:15:59.239 Libby Nachman, MTC: for applications that didn't get awarded in previous cycles. Do we get a reason for why and is it worth it to reapply. 459 01:16:02.070 --> 01:16:04.090 Karl Anderson, MTC: So after. 460 01:16:04.540 --> 01:16:07.749 Karl Anderson, MTC: So if you submit an Atp cycle 6 application. 461 01:16:08.232 --> 01:16:16.820 Karl Anderson, MTC: What the Ctc. And a and Mtc. Staff does offer our application debriefs. For your application. However. 462 01:16:16.890 --> 01:16:23.090 Karl Anderson, MTC: I don't think we can do that now that the call for projects is out, Beverly, is that, do you have any. 463 01:16:23.580 --> 01:16:33.559 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): We can't do a debrief right now, but we we can provide you with your score form from any Atp cycle if you don't have it, though. 464 01:16:33.760 --> 01:16:44.090 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): If you want an old score form for a project that you submitted, we're happy to provide that. And then, once the copper project ends, then we can start doing the 465 01:16:45.302 --> 01:16:47.199 Beverley Newman-Burckhard, CTC (she/her): the debriefs again. 466 01:16:47.560 --> 01:16:49.719 Karl Anderson, MTC: Okay, yeah. So if you 467 01:16:51.070 --> 01:16:58.679 Karl Anderson, MTC: weren't able to access your scores from the Atv Cycle 6, you can reach out to Ctc staff, and they can send that to you. 468 01:16:59.630 --> 01:17:04.110 Karl Anderson, MTC: I can't remember what the full extent of the question was. If that answered everything was that it? Libby. 469 01:17:07.034 --> 01:17:11.200 Libby Nachman, MTC: Yeah, I was just asking if it's worth it to apply again. 470 01:17:14.139 --> 01:17:24.110 Karl Anderson, MTC: Yeah, I would say, reach out to Ctc. Staff. See what your scores were, and I I believe you'll be able to see on where you missed out on points. And you can take a look at those questions 471 01:17:24.494 --> 01:17:46.109 Karl Anderson, MTC: to figure out what areas of opportunity there are to improve your application. So I highly encourage you to go through that process, and if you feel you can, you know, capture a significant amount of points to, you know. Bump yourself up to a top scoring project. Then definitely reapply. I I I don't think I would discourage you to apply. I think it's it's worth the chance. 472 01:17:48.520 --> 01:17:50.549 Libby Nachman, MTC: And that is all the questions, for now. 473 01:17:52.730 --> 01:18:04.469 Karl Anderson, MTC: Okay, I I'm happy to stay on or otherwise can give 15 min back to people's day. Just wanna say thank you to Ctc, staff and kelter and staff for being here and being able to answer questions. 474 01:18:05.189 --> 01:18:16.749 Karl Anderson, MTC: And thank you everyone for participating and, like I mentioned, we are able to, you know, post this online, and I will send that out to all all those who registered. So they have a copy of it. 475 01:18:18.540 --> 01:18:20.589 Libby Nachman, MTC: Another question just came through. 476 01:18:22.420 --> 01:18:25.699 Libby Nachman, MTC: are there any areas within the bay that are considered rural. 477 01:18:26.530 --> 01:18:34.410 Karl Anderson, MTC: So there are no areas of the bay area that can compete in the small urban and rural component since 478 01:18:35.120 --> 01:18:42.400 Karl Anderson, MTC: every jurisdiction in the 9 barrack counties fall within the Npo. Can only compete in the Npo regional component or the statewide portion. 479 01:18:54.920 --> 01:18:57.720 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alrighty. Well, thank you, everyone. I appreciate it. 480 01:19:04.980 --> 01:19:06.990 Karl Anderson, MTC: I assume nothing else is coming in. Libby. 481 01:19:09.030 --> 01:19:11.490 Libby Nachman, MTC: No other questions. I think I think we're good. 482 01:19:12.230 --> 01:19:14.460 Karl Anderson, MTC: Alright! I'll just end it here. 483 01:19:15.720 --> 01:19:16.470 Xi Zhang: Thank you.