MTC Departments

Learn how the people of MTC are helping to build better communities.

Peter Beeler

MTC’s employees work in planning, funding, advocacy, data analysis and much more. We collaborate to achieve regional goals for transportation, housing, equity and resilience.

Sections at MTC

Access(ibility), Culture, and Racial Equity Office (ACRE)

The ACRE Office works to meet and advance the goals of the MTC Equity Platform.

The team is looking internally and externally at the “what” and “why” of the work that MTC is doing, the methods that MTC undertakes to perform that work, the relationships the agency has with external partners, and other factors that influence the progress MTC is making toward helping to create a more equitable Bay Area.

Administration & Human Development

The Administration & Human Development section is responsible for planning and executing certain agency business administrative programs, including:

  • Employee relations, benefits and recruitment (human resources)
  • Board meeting management and Commissioner support
  • Executive Office operations
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives

Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA)

The Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA), established in 2019 by the state Legislature, is the first regional housing finance authority in California. By providing new tools that can be used in new ways by each of the Bay Area’s nine counties and 101 cities and towns to solve the region’s longstanding housing affordability crisis, BAHFA is designed to:

  • Protect current residents from displacement
  • Preserve existing affordable housing
  • Produce new housing at all income levels

Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN)

The Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) implements energy savings programs for homeowners, renters, multifamily property owners, businesses and local governments.

BayREN provides three main areas of expertise and services:

  • Promoting healthy and energy-efficient buildings for single family and multifamily residents, and soon for owners of small- and medium-sized commercial properties
  • Helping local governments through training and mentoring programs, and with a range of additional resources
  • Reducing carbon emissions through regional activities and initiatives

Learn more about BayREN.

Design & Project Delivery (DPD)

The Design & Project Delivery (DPD) team keeps the Bay Area’s highways, bridges, local roads and transit running efficiently. Staff uses near-term, high-impact strategies with modest costs to move more people in fewer cars and to improve overall mobility, safety and sustainability.

DPD uses strategic planning, design, implementation of operational improvements and shared mobility strategies. The team is looking ahead to a future with connected and autonomous vehicles and is working to deliver improvements that will help protect transportation infrastructure from sea level rise.

Electronic Payments (EPS)

The Electronic Payments section (EPS) operates a suite of services to help travelers get around the Bay Area. This includes management of the Clipper® card program for transit fare payment, and the FasTrak® electronic toll collection program for toll bridges, Express Lanes and SFO airport parking.

Executive Office

The Executive Office administration team supports the Executive Director, Deputy Executive Directors, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG)’s Executive Board.

The Executive Administrators help the Executive Director and the Deputy Executive Directors with high-level scheduling, meeting preparation, outreach materials and presentations.

The Administrative Clerks provide senior level support for Standing Committees, including the Commission and the Executive Board. They hold the institutional knowledge of the regulatory processes to hold effective and compliant Brown Act meetings.

Facilities & Contract Services

The Facilities & Contract Services section is responsible for planning and executing certain agency business administrative programs, including:

  • Contracting and procurement, including the Small Business and Disadvantaged Business programs
  • Office management and property management
  • Oversight of agency policies and procedures; planning and execution of agency business administration programs and operations; and compliance programs

Field Operations & Asset Management (FOAM)

The Field Operations & Management (FOAM) team maintains MTC’s growing portfolio of bridge and highway programs, including:

  • Building and operating Express Lanes
  • Working with Caltrans on toll bridges and freeways
  • Operating the Freeway Service Patrol, call box and incident management programs
  • Managing regional carpool, vanpool and commuter benefits programs
  • Coordinating regional emergency-preparedness activities


The Finance team handles incoming and outgoing funds. This includes:

  • Payroll for over 300 employees
  • Accounts receivable grant reimbursement requests and management of over $500 million in active grants
  • Accounts payable processes hundreds of vendor invoices each week, prepares quarterly sales tax and annual 1099 reports, and administers toll bridge revenues and Transportation Development Act and State Transit Assistance funds

Funding Policy & Programs (FPP)

The Funding Policy & Programs (FPP) section works with the Commission to guide the policy development and investment decisions for federal, state and regional transportation funds.

FPP prioritizes requests for scarce regional, state and federal dollars, and acts as the Bay Area's transportation banker — distributing funds to public transit agencies, county transportation agencies, and cities and counties for local investment priorities. FPP also supports long-range planning, and calculates the investment needs for the maintenance, operation and expansion of the region's transportation network.

Office of the General Counsel

The Office of the General Counsel provides legal support to the Commission, the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG)’s Executive Board and related committees. This may include developing new policies, advising on policy issues, negotiating agency procurement contracts, managing outside legal counsel and handling other internal or external legal issues.

Legislation & Public Affairs (LPA)

The Legislation & Public Affairs (LPA) group works with state and federal lawmakers on policies that impact Bay Area transportation, housing and the environment.

LPA also works to ensure that interested Bay Area residents have an opportunity to help shape regional transportation and land use policies. MTC’s robust public engagement program elevates public comments for consideration to the MTC and Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) boards and provides the public with timely information via web content, social media and printed materials.

Regional Network Management (RNM)

The Regional Network Management section oversees all of MTC’s efforts related to standing up a new Transit Regional Network Management structure, including coordination with many partners, such as transit agencies, local governments, advocacy groups, residents, and other experts in the Bay Area. Together, we are working to build a better transportation network for the region.

Regional Planning Program (RPP)

Using research, data and the latest geographic information systems and data visualization tools, the Integrated Regional Planning Program (RPP) looks at trends that will have long-range effects on the geographic, social, economic, cultural and environmental aspects of Bay Area transportation and land use.

RPP staff creates plans and policies to encourage the development of complete communities, the preservation of key natural lands, and access to jobs and housing for all residents and workers.

San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP)

The San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) is one of 28 National Estuary Programs established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. SFEP is a collaboration of local, state, and federal agencies, NGOs, academics and business leaders working to protect and restore the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary.

Learn more about the San Francisco Estuary Partnership.

Technology Services Section (TSS)

The Technology Services Section (TSS) focuses on the agency's computer operations and other information technology needs. TSS provides assistance with computers, agency mobile phones, audio visual equipment, software applications, etc. TSS also oversees Service Delivery, Desktop Helpdesk Support, Administration, Information Security, Network Infrastructure, Business Solutions and the 511 Traveler Information System

Treasury & Revenue (T&R)

The Treasury & Revenue Section (T&R) oversees cash, investments, debt portfolios and debt financing for MTC and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG). T&R’s Electronic Revenue group oversees the financial processing of all bridge and Express Lane toll collections. The FasTrak® customer service center reviews financial activities, analyzes traffic to ensure equipment is working properly and verifies all transactions.

Equal Opportunity Employer

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission is an equal-opportunity, non-discriminatory employer. MTC provides all employees and applicants with an equal opportunity in every aspect of the employment experience regardless of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, physical handicap, medical condition or marital status.